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Easier Access to Fertility Experts

Northside Brisbane couples who are struggling to start a family have even easier access to one of Brisbane’s top fertility clinics with the opening of City Fertility…

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Increased Demand Drives Need for More Fertility Doctors

Demand for services at City Fertility Centre (CFC) has driven the Melbourne clinic’s recent expansion, which has led to the appointment of Dr Roshan Shamon at the organisation’s St…

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City Fertility Welcomes Dr Andy Stamatiou

Increasing demand for fertility services has driven the expansion of City Fertility Centre (CFC) clinics recently, leading to the appointment of gynaecologist and obstetrician Dr Andy…

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New Doctor Joins CFC Sunnybank

Success and demand for fertility services have driven the expansion of City Fertility Centre (CFC) clinics recently, leading to the new appointment of Dr Andrew Ansari at…

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One Year of Helping Create Little Miracles

Although only four weeks old, Jessica Ebert helped City Fertility Centre Southside celebrate its first anniversary this week. Southside parents Megan and Ben Ebert underwent…

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Join the Celebrations

One of the first babies to be conceived with the help of City Fertility Centre on the Gold Coast will be joining in to celebrate…

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First Baby for City Fertility Sunnybank

After nearly 18 months of trying to have a baby, Brisbane southside couple Freya and Matthew Young are finally proud parents. Their healthy baby boy, Andrew, came…

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Changes to the Medicare Safety Net 2010

The Medicare Safety Net was introduced by the federal government in 2004 to provide an additional rebate for patients who incur significant out-of-pocket expenses for…

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City Fertility Centre in Brisbane’s Southside

Word of mouth alone has kept City Fertility Centre clinicians busy since the Sunnybank clinic opened in early September after a million-dollar fitout. Fertility expert Dr…

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