Ignite Athlete Program

We are here to help you achieve your sporting goals

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At City Fertility, we are proud to have launched Ignite Athlete – an innovative initiative aimed at providing female athletes, coaches, and their support teams with specialized, evidence-based information. Our program is specifically tailored to meet the unique physiological needs of female athletes, supporting our commitment to empowering women to optimise their health and performance.


About Ignite Athlete

Ignite Athlete serves as a comprehensive platform full of trusted, evidence-based information to care for female athletes to boost their health and athletic performance. Our initiative is founded on three primary objectives:

  1. Educate: We believe that knowledge is power. Ignite Athlete is committed to educating female athletes, coaches, and support teams through specialised evidence-based information covering topics that directly impact their health and athletic performance.
  2. Support: We are passionate about empowering female athletes to reach their full potential through direct access to our specialised women’s health team for personalised support.
  3. Encourage: We envision a future where female athletes are celebrated as leaders in the sport and exercise space. Ignite Athlete encourages female athletes to break barriers, achieve greatness, and inspire generations to come.

Whether you are a recreational athlete or elite level sportsperson, Ignite Athlete has been created to support and empower you to optimise your health & performance.


Why is our Ignite Athlete initiative important?

Did you know that Only 6% of sports and exercise science studies were conducted exclusively on females? 1 As a result, we have designed Ignite Athlete to combat this disparity by providing you with quick and easy access to sex-specific research and guidelines based on female physiology.

But Ignite athlete is more than just an initiative; it’s a commitment to empowering female athletes and breaking down the barriers they face in the world of sports. By offering evidence-based information, valuable support and a team of dedicated women’s health specialist, we strive to help athletes break barriers and become leaders in the sport and exercise space. We want to help you become faster. We want to help you become stronger. We want to help you break records, be that your own personal best or world records!


Support available to athletes through Ignite Athlete

Educational resources

Ignite Athlete offers a wealth of educational resources, including summaries, modules and expert insights, tailored to female athletes. Topics range from nutrition to training techniques to minimise injury prevention and recovery strategies. With access to this specialised knowledge, athletes can make informed decisions about their health and performance. You can access our educational modules here.

Support line

Understanding the importance of personal guidance, Ignite Athlete provides a dedicated support line where athletes can connect with experienced professional for guidance and advice on their journey to success.

Quick and easy access to our specialised women’s health team of specialists

City Fertility’s specialised women’s health team consists of experts who understand the unique challenges ad requirements of female athletes. Our specialised women’s health team are uniquely equipped to provide personalised care and support, ensuring athletes received the best possible support to enhance their health and performance.


Get in touch with us

If you have concerns about women’s health-related issues impacting your life and athletic performance, we encourage you to get in touch with our team at Ignite Athlete. We have a network of specialised General Practitioners, gynaecologists, and fertility specialists across Australia who will be more than happy to speak with you and discuss your individual circumstances.

Alternatively, you can call Ignite Athlete’s friendly staff on  1300 938 156  or email our Ignite Athlete team at contact@igniteathlete.com.au.


We believe that by providing tailored information and support, we can help female athletes overcome barriers, break records, and pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable sporting industry. With Ignite Athlete, the future of women in sports is brighter than ever. Together, let’s redefine what female athletes can achieve.

For more information on Ignite Athlete, visit www.igniteathlete.com.au


1  Cowley, E. S., Olenick, A. A., McNulty, K. L., & Ross, E. Z. (2021). ‘Invisible Sportswomen’: The Sex Data Gap in Sport and Exercise Science Research.


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