City Fertility welcomes many/all of the recommendations from the final report ‘Helping Victorians create families with assisted reproductive treatment’ released in July 2019 by the Victorian Government.
In particular, we welcome the removal in Victoria of unnecessary or discriminatory barriers to access, especially for the LGBTIQ+ community. This includes that female same-sex couples will now be considered families rather than individuals using donated sperm, eggs or embryos, removing discrimination and increasing the chances of being able to have biologically-related siblings by using the one donor. There will also be improved access to donors and surrogates for those who need them.
Other recommendations include the removal of any discrimination against married women who wish to access assisted reproductive treatment following separation, and undertaking further consultation on the removal of the discriminatory requirement for police and child protection checks for all Victorians seeking IVF, which can cause long delays.
Whilst this is great news, the laws will not be applicable until they have been fully approved and finalised.
City Fertility has always advocated that Assisted Reproductive Treatment (ART) laws in Australia should reflect the world we now live in and the advances in medical technologies and services that exist, while always adhering to the highest standards to ensure the safety and security of all. To read the full report visit here.