Boosting chances of success with latest lab technologies

Boosting chances of success with latest lab technologies

IVF Lab technology

Advances in IVF science and technologies are constantly allowing IVF clinics to improve treatments and how embryos are handled, in order to increase the chances of pregnancy success.

At City Fertility, we are always monitoring the latest developments available for IVF laboratories to ensure we continue to offer a world-leading state-of-the-art service to our patients.

Below are just a few of the current technologies we employ in our laboratories, including the latest generation of time-lapse incubators from the world leader in incubator technology, and the cleanroom technologies to control temperature and air quality and ensure minimal disruption of eggs and embryos.


The EmbryoScope is a time-lapse technology that minimises the handling of embryos and allows for an undisturbed culture and continuous image acquisition through the full course of the embryos’ development.

The specially designed EmbryoScope incubator with a built-in camera and microscope takes an image of the embryos every ten minutes. Time-lapse videos of individual embryos are then generated over the two to five days they remain in the incubator. Advanced software then allows for the use of embryo development information to select the best embryos for treatment.

Clean Room Laboratory

The controlled positive pressure environment, plus the HEPA filters and the activated carbon filter system reduces the presence of VOCs, aldehydes, bacteria/fungal spores, and all particulate matter that can impact embryo development, therefore enabling the very best in cleanroom laboratory air management.

With evidence growing that laboratory air quality is of paramount importance for improved IVF outcomes, the system works to purify air quality in incubators and in the laboratory, which in turn can improve embryo and cell development.

Genetic Testing

Our laboratories offer specialised Pre-implantation Genetic Screening(PGS) to detect anomalies in the number or structure of chromosomes in embryos. This testing allows for the selection of the best embryos for implantation and is also known as Advanced Embryo Selection (AES). The two types of genetic testing are:

  • Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS)

PGS does not diagnose any specific diseases but looks more generally at the chromosomal make-up of the embryo. If an embryo contains the wrong number of chromosomes (a condition known as aneuploidy), such as when one is missing, then the cells in that embryo are missing a whole set of instructions. If there is an extra chromosome, the cells will malfunction by following those instructions more often than they should. This can result in conditions such as Down syndrome.

  • Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

PGD is advanced single-gene testing suitable for people who have a family history of a single-gene disorder and are at risk of producing embryos affected by that condition. Currently, PGD allows testing for disorders including Cystic fibrosis; Beta-thalassaemia; Thalassaemia; Spinal Cerebral Atrophy and Spinal Muscular Atrophy; and BRCA1/BRCA2 (hereditary breast and/or ovarian cancer).

With a powerhouse of fertility specialists and a scientific leadership team with over 60 years of combined experience, you can rest assured that you are in the best of hands. Our expert team will be with you every step of the way.


For more information on our services and our IVF laboratories, or to book a tour of your local clinic, contact our Fertility Advice Team on 1300 354 354 or email


Phone: 1300 354 354


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