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Complementary Therapies Favored by Many IVF patients

Acupuncturist inserting needle
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Students Gain Unique Insight Into IVF

CFC Brisbane Southside program manager Paul Diggles and laboratory manager Jaime Oswald with visiting students
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Finding the Super Sperm in Infertile Men

The number of couples resorting to donor sperm has dropped about 30 per cent over the past seven years as a result of a new…

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IVF Advances Helping More Men Become Dads

Over the past seven years, advances in IVF science specifically for male infertility issues have significantly improved the chances of men with such problems becoming fathers. Dr Ashish Das,…

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Three-Person IVF Gains UK Government Backing

In another IVF breakthrough, creating babies using the DNA from three people has been recently backed by the UK Government. Read more about it here…

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IVF Lab Delivers new Technology

City Fertility Centre has experienced impressive growth and has plans for more, but our primary focus remains on caring for the patient and creating pregnancies. Read…

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Family on Ice

City Fertility Centre’s scientific director and chief executive officer Adnan Catakovic comments on egg freezing and the ultra-rapid technique called vitrification in Women’s Health and Fitness…

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IVF Team on the run for Mother’s Day Classic

Staff from City Fertility Centre are on a mission to make a difference for women by taking part in this year’s Women in Super Mother’s Day Classic fun run.…

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IVF Pioneer Robert Edwards Dies Aged 87

Source: The Guardian (April 10, 2013) Sir Robert Edwards, whose pioneering IVF technique has helped bring more than 4 million children into the world, has…

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Severely Obese Women Attempting IVF May Have Lower Egg Quality

Study suggests this could affect their ability to fall pregnant (Source: Health Day News, health.usnews.com/ Sept. 11) Poor egg quality may explain why severely obese women have difficulty getting…

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